If you can imagine it, it is possible.

If it is possible, it can be created.

— Albert Einstein


Calling all dreamers, sages, magicians, and adventurers

It’s a new year, a time when I hope you are ready to burst into possibility. Ready to journey into this year, challenging as it might feel, with a vision for yourself that offers vitality and promise.    

We each carry within us:

A dreamer who gazes out at the world with holy longing.

An adventurer who seeks new pathways that lie at the edges of our imagination.

A sage who offers to serve our world with the wisdom of experience and knowledge

A magician ready to transform our lives through the alchemy of possibility.

As you begin to shape the year ahead of you, I invite you to come into your life with curiosity, wonder, and open-hearted presence. 

To arrive at the threshold of your dreams and visions—knowing that without a vision you can easily become lost, without your dreams you easily disconnect from your life force, and without a sense of possibility, you become mired in anguish and despair. 

Ask yourself:

What is your longing?

What compelling dream calls you?

How do you want to show up this year?

What stands in your way?

What will be your call to action?

Let us discover this together in this special Visionquest 2022 offering.

I have designed it as a powerful introduction to the more intensive Dream A New Dream journey.  In this laser-focused session, you will receive visionary tools that will include a powerful guided journey into your Future. You will design your unique Map of Possibility to anchor this vision and discover how you can manifest it through a clear, confident call to action. We will explore 5 aspects of your life:  health/vitality - meaningful work - intimate relationships - community connections – quality of life, the experiences you seek to have.

Bring your fearless imagination, creativity and courage to this session. You will be surprised at the clarity, energy and inspiration you will receive in just 2 hours of focused attention and insightful guidance.

Let’s make 2022 your year to shine your gifts in the world. 

Visionquest 2022: 2 hours via Zoom

Cost: $250




"Amber has a gift for opening not only doors, but hearts and minds to what is possible in our lives.”

- Donna, Exec Director/Non Profit

"For anyone experiencing a transition in life, Amber is the key to unlocking it. A gifted visionary coach
whose insights and skills have led me to many breakthroughs."

- Jodi, Screenwriter/Playwright

"Amber is a master at helping you tap into your core values, your vision and your new story."

- Suze, Biologist/Writer