Evening now descends.   Candles glow in alabaster vessels.  A Gregorian chant plays in the background. Outside my window, a soft snow falls. I am in my cave.  This welcomed quiet arrives as the second full moon of the winter season, the Wolf Moon, soon appears in the skies.   She represents new beginnings, and the conquering of light over darkness.

This sense of new beginnings has now become even more palpable, urgent – as if to say, the past has pushed you out.  The old story is burning down.  Step across the threshold, be brave, you are not alone.  Your ancestors call you.  Your wolf pack encircles you.  Let your howls be heard, let their echoes reverberate around the world.   Let the light of new beginnings shine through.

There is deep exhaustion in the air as the shrill cries of insurrection and dissension have risen and the battalion beat of white supremacy rages its ravenous head.  Many are drowning in a sea of dark deceit and conspiracy.  The world clamors for fierce attention.   Could this be the time of the great unraveling, the frayed threads of a tired story built on fear and oppression, coming to a ferocious end?  

I breathe.  See her arrive in a brilliant shaft of lemon yellow light carried by breathless verse. This gifted young poet laureate whose golden words, wrapped in reflection and promise, touches our collective imagination, with its bold, glowing reminder that even as the dark gets darkest, there is always the promise of light.  The promise of new beginnings.  Always.

 “Are you brave enough to see the light?” she asks.   

“Are you brave enough to be the light”?

This has always been humanity’s clarion call.   This call to wake up to what is possible.   To a new story that sparks our human imagination for a world  shaped by the collaborative spirit,  deepened by community and connection, inspired by  creativity,  generosity, gratitude and  reverence for all beings.

A world infused with light.

Wolf Moon reminds us of that.  

Painting: The Muse (acrylic on canvas)

